Helen Will

LOCATION #3 – Coldwater Legion

Phone  – (705) 730-9808

Email  – helenwillcreatingsacredspace@yahoo.com

Website  – https://www.facebook.com/HelenWill.visionary.art/

Contact Artist

12 + 6 =


The exploration of colour, texture, new mediums and techniques keeps alive my joy of art. Personal experiences, inspiration, Spirit and spontaneity are the foundation of my work.


While a student nurse, a patient dramatically demonstrated to me the therapeutic value of art. Once our children were in school, I was able to follow a life-long passion and take art courses at our local community centre. Luckily, I have had access to many outstanding instructors over the years, and was able to explore a variety of styles and mediums. My first solo show was at Victoria College, University of Toronto in 1992, and have participated in many juried and unjuried shows since. I am pleased to have paintings find homes in Australia, Japan, USA, Ireland, and Canada.